Tag Archives: multimedia

Multimedia Objects as Database/Interface

With the world at its highest peak in the interest and involvement of multimedia, our lives are consumed with videos, video games, social networks, blogs, and websites. Due to the human attention span being so small, over the many years of technology’s development, it has embraced the use of multimedia objects. You may be thinking to yourself (if you are not already aware),’ what is a multimedia object?’ Well to be simply put, multimedia objects are what I like to call ‘media monsters’, files that contain loads of mixed media. For example, Facebook is a website that contains links to other websites, audio and video, images, and text; now that’s the definition of a media monster! The use of multimedia objects in such a way is called using multimedia objects as a database/interface.

Even though computers seem so intelligent to be able to put such things together to produce such amazing results, computers aren’t quite able to do it all just yet, and is still constantly evolving with the help of scholars and students around the world. Check out this video!



Modern day society simply cannot get enough of this media craze. Lots of us partake in the use of media, especially multimedia objects, and haven’t got a clue of the complexity of what produces these things and how it all works. Well I’ll give you some insight. All of these nice videos, images, and websites would not stand to exists without its foundation and its most important component, algorithms. An algorithm is a hidden logic; any process or task is reduced to an algorithm. An algorithm is also defined as a final sequence of simple operations which a computer can execute to accomplish a given task. Data and algorithms go hand-in-hand; these two things operate together as a complete package. The operations of algorithms is what help databases to organize data, which is a databases’ job. A database organizes data in a particular way for efficient search and retrieval; it is a structured collection of data. Explore this link to better understand what a database is all about: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z8yk87h. Databases to be direct, is what helps us human be organized in keeping track of things like records or even passwords. In order to retrieve these important forms of information, we have to use an interface. Now an interface is a device or program that enables a user to communicate with a computer. Here’s more info on interface explained in more depth: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/interface.html.

As a student, learning about multimedia objects, databases, algorithms, and interfaces is quite intriguing to me. As one of the human-being in this fast-paced multimedia driven world, I think that it is very cool to learn about the ‘behind the scenes’ of what we interact with on a daily basis. Additionally, as a multimedia studies major, it is all the more important to me to be as solidly informed as possible of such terminology so that I can be all the more prepared.

Click this link to read an article listing and explaining the multimedia items listed in this post! -> http://smallbusiness.chron.com/5-components-multimedia-28279.html